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Remembering David Root


A man of great integrity, honesty and intelligence. A mentor, leader, role model, husband, father and dear friend to all who knew him. These are only a few of a long list of great attributes that we can remember of our Dear friend, Mr. David Root (Chief Root). Mr. David was the Police Chief of Abita for a period of time and he served on the Fire District 8 board of Commissioners as well as other involvement in Abita. He and his wife are long time supporters of Fire District 8. He was an invaluable asset to the town in many ways. But most of all, he was a friend that one could turn to for great advice. A very humble man respected by all. If Mr. David spoke, you listened, Because he would be speaking from knowledge, experience, and expertise. Unless he was cutting up, which he was known to do as well, but even in those times he offered wisdom. There’s no doubt that Abita Springs is a better place because of his involvement. Mr. David impacted each person he encountered in a positive way, and there’s no chance of finding a negative attribute associated with him. We thank you for your dedication to the town and Fire District, as well as its citizens. Rest easy our friend.

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